L.S. Lane began composing poetry in elementary school and started her first novel while still in high school.
After selling an article to a Midwest publication, she studied creative writing at Purdue University, took a fiction-writing course offered by Writer’s Digest, and worked as a writer and editor for a regional magazine. Today she is a fiction editor who enjoys guiding writers toward their publishing goals, as well as writing her own stories.
After creating, editing, and publishing a journal for seniors, she spent several years editing newsletters and e-zines for writers’ groups in addition to her editing work. Her current novel, The Accounting, will be released in winter 2020-2021, and Tormented Tango is scheduled for a summer 2021 release. More books are in the works; she’ll keep you updated on when you can expect them to be out. She also writes regularly for the Blood Red Pencil (bloodredpencil.blogspot.com), a blog for writers, editors, those who would like to be either, or those who simply enjoy a great story.
Leaning toward the strong characterizations of literary writing while including the powerful elements of plot-driven genre fiction, her fast-paced novels delve into the lives, relationships, and experiences that make us who we are. Three-dimensional characters facing life-altering situations invite readers into their lives and bring a strong sense of realism to her stories. No graphic sex. No expletives. Limited violence only when essential to the story.
“For when the heart goes before like a lamp and illumines the pathway,
many things are made clear that else lie hidden in darkness.”
― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie