Powerful Stories for Women of All Ages
(Shhhhh … men like them too!)
A gripping story ...
… an unexpected death
… an unwanted job change
… an unwelcome arrival
… a life path forever altered
… a new beginning
… or the end of an era

Where can you find the very best zoo?
Where can you learn exactly how to?
Where can you plan a flight to the moon?
Where can you seek the ways of the loon?
Where can you take a trip to the past?
Where can you join a big Broadway cast?
Where can you ride in a Wild West show?
Where can you go where no one did go?
Where can you find unbeatable strength?
Where can you travel both breadth and length?
Where can you meet the great and the small?
Where can you grow to be ten feet tall?
Where can you learn how to get wealthy?
Where can you find how to be healthy?
How can you walk where ancestors trod,
Or sail with Wynken, Blynken, and Nod?
You might be very surprised to know
That no matter where you want to go
You have only to open a book—
Just sit down now and take a quick look.
You can be mighty, you can be meek,
You can be plain, or you can be chic;
It doesn’t matter which way you choose,
You decide whether you win or lose.
When you read a book, you grow inside,
Expand horizons, relish the ride,
Hitch your wagon to a rising star—
Who you want to be is who you are.
Read to your parents, read to your child,
Read to yourself, by books be beguiled;
Travel the world, the universe grand—
Your passport is the book in your hand.
~ L.S. Lane
When past pain crushes future hope, what is left to live for?
Family must be protected—even if it means doing the unthinkable!
Tormented tango of secret schemes,
Despondent dancer of shattered dreams,
Wielder of a poison pen,
Warden of the Dragon’s Den—
Nightmares rob the dark of rest,
Day puts reason to the test,
Release turns to retribution,
Revenge is the sole solution,
Others pay for the sins of one,
For ugly deeds that once were done.
Now available as an e-book and
a paperback on Amazon.com!